Spring has sprung
/And what a wonder it is! This time of year always seems magical as everything seems to wake up after winter. But even more so this year with moist soil. As the days warm up you can almost watch things grow before your eyes.
Apple blossom
We've been out 'harvesting' our weeds in the past week. I'm not overly concerned about the aesthetics (although it does look neater with a few less about), but I can't pass up the opportunity for a near-effortless nitrogen source to add into the compost. With friends' lawns also getting out of hand after those wet weeks that ruled out mowing, we're gratefully accepting clipping imports as well and the compost is powering. A new compost thrown together just three days ago is already at 64.9 degrees. Ripper! It has also got chook poo, chipped prunings and chook shed litter in the mix.
Meanwhile, left to Mother Nature's care, the strawberries have produced some very healthy looking runners that I've transplanted to a new bed. I'm trying to be patient and not rush to put the warm-loving veg (tomatoes, pumpkins, etc) in too early, but have to admit my resolve is being tested.
Peas, cauliflower and silverbeet continue to crop well, while the broad beans are flowering but don't have pods and the brussel sprouts bolted. Our measly carrot patch is struggling on, but is far from inspiring.
The fruit trees are mostly in bloom, or have already done so, and the first signs of some fruit are visible to the keen eye (which means it's time to get the fruit fly exclusion bags on the job).
As expected, due to the rain, our spraying for peach leaf curl wasn't entirely successful.
Peach leaf curl
Apricots to-be (fingers crossed)While about half of the crazy passionfruits that appeared in late autumn have succumbed to the cold (presumably) and dropped off, others have hung in and are now gaining color!
And the silvanberries and raspberries have loads of new growth and are forming lots of flowerbuds.