Pre-schoolers in our garden
/We had a visit from a group of pre-schoolers from the nearby Yarrunga Early Learning Centre. The garden was 'buzzing' even more than usual with 16 kids (three- and four-year olds) and five accompanying adults coming along to see, touch, smell and talk about what they found.
We watched the honey bees and their hive. The visitors brought food scraps to feed the chooks. With lots of flowers in bloom we did some spotting of various types of pollinators. I showed some photos of native bees (not many out that morning) and we looked at the native bee hotels (of course!). And everyone was keen to 'cuddle' the worms from one of the worm towers in the wicking beds.

It sounds like there will be some projects at Yarrunga to come out of this visit, including making their own bee hotels, planting succulents in old boots and creating a worm tower for their food garden.
What's more, later that day I received a huge thank you card. It features the kids' journal entries about the visit with their drawings and comments. You won't be able to see the detail, but believe me, it's a ripper!

All garden photos courtesy of those attending and Yarrunga Early Learning Centre.