NSW Green Globe Awards
/Yikes! I'm thrilled and shocked to be a finalist in the NSW Government's Green Globe Awards this year.
Here's a story the Border Mail ran about it in Monday's paper.
Image: The Border Mail article, click here to view the story online
The Office of Environment and Heritage note that these awards are about "recognising environmental excellence, leadership and innovation in NSW."
I was nominated in the sustainability champion award category, and the nomination focussed not on my vocational sustainability roles but on my voluntary activities within local groups and projects, like with Ecoportal.net.au, Seed Savers Albury-Wodonga, and yes, even this little blog site.
You can check out all the finalists in the 'sustainability champion' category here (and see all the award categories here). Like me, you may be blown away by the calibre and achievements of the other finalists. I feel well out of my depth! I can only assume that the judges were keen to acknowledge that it's not only large companies and organisations, or even sustainability specialists, who encourage sustainable living.
I'm indebted to the team of contributors who compiled my nomination, and particularly to Lizette Salmon who co-ordinated it. And of course, to everyone involved in the groups and projects I help out with - it's by no means a solo effort on my part. Locally we have a thriving network of individuals, grassroots groups and organisations all working in a myriad of ways to encourage sustainable living. I believe we're doing pretty well to support each other, as well as lifting the bar in developing and delivering fun and informative events and projects. And that is something to celebrate.
So cheers to all our sustainability efforts locally, and I hope this publicity will help to spread the word, spur others to get involved or add energy to other local, grassroots projects that encourage sustainable living.
Meanwhile, I'm off to the op-shop to find something to wear to NSW Parliament House next week.