Karen Retra

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Permi8 at Julie's

Another autumn, another delightful brunch on the balcony at Julie's with the Permi8 crew! This is our third visit to Julie's in as many years, and Talgarno looked quite different to the previous years. (Something about the water that fell out of the sky?!).

We had a tour of Julie's garden, including the various improvements she has made to her vegetable beds. She's built several styles of raised beds, they range in size and materials used, which made for an interesting discussion comparing the pros and cons of each. The latest efforts are wicking beds, which Julie hopes will see her vegetable harvest increase during long, hot summers. Not that she's had a chance to compare their performance. Ever since she finished them, there's been enough rain to keep even the non-wicking beds producing strongly. Perhaps by our next visit she'll have an update for us.

A few of us also took up Lea's offer to make an unscheduled visit to her place. Has she been keeping that a secret from us all?? We were all in awe of her 20 year old mudbrick home (which they built). It features lots of reclaimed and re-used materials, looks great and inside it is light, yet warm and earthy, for want of better words. It was very cosy despite the wintery weather. There are productive and habitat gardens around the house and the rest of the property is bushland, adjoining the state park. The view, down the picturesque valley to the (currently full!) Lake Hume, makes me wonder why Lea ever comes into town at all. I think I could happily sit there and look at it for a very, very long time!



For those Permi8 people who missed out on this treat, fear not. Lea suggested we might have a gathering at her place later in the year. Let's lock that in soon - you won't want to miss it!